Random pic
This is my new favorite picture.

The most useless blog on the Internet.
It's the random pic of the day. No further explanation needed, I hope!
Yogi is something of a local celebrity here in the DC/Northern Virginia area. He had a stroke when he was a puppy and now his tongue won't go back in his mouth. Meeting Yogi was the highlight of the lame Blocktoberfest that took place in Ballston today. Yogi and his owner were both gracious to me, even though I acted like an obnoxious groupie. I didn't have a camera, so the pic below is from my crappy camera phone.
I think most of us growing up in the 80's noticed later that a lot of our favorite shows had some subtext that we didn't quite understand until we were older. He-Man might be the one exception. A muscular, pretty blond with a pageboy haircut and gladiator gear who wrestled other oiled-up beefcake types, hmmm...
I have a passion for bad sweaters. At my old job, one of my coworkers declared it "Bad Sweater Day" for my last day and had people wear their best bad sweaters. I had to share this one I'm watching on eBay. Bad Sweater Guy is going to be so jealous.
Stumble Upon is a great resource for finding new sites, especially when you're afflicted with ADD to the level that we are. Bored with a site? Just hit the Stumble button and you have a new one in the genre of your choosing.
I hate the fact that this was all over the news this morning. Really, really makes me wish Bill Hicks was still around to comment:
"Trailer parks all over America filling up with little miracles. Thunk!, thunk!, thunk! Look at all my little miracles. Filling up my trailer like a sardine can. Look at them."
"You know what would be a little miracle? If I could remember your daddy's name. I guess I'll have to call you
Actually, Titney's not so bad. If Jessica Simpleton or Paris Hilton ever give birth, Satan will actually come to earth and take out the human race.
I've loved Peaches since I heard the first few bars of "Fuck the Pain Away." She rivals only Wesley Willis with her lyrics:
Another great example of the oxymoron that is compassionate conservatism. Apparently, resident moron and frothy mixture Rick "Man-on-Dog" Santorum compared the recent experiences of homeless New Orleans residents to summer camp and said, "Isn't this kind of fun?"
Because I can't afford to give much money, I am going to try and donate items and my free time. We just got evacuees from New Orleans here in DC and I'd like to encourage everyone to help however you can! Personally, I'm going to try to help out the folks over at the Armed Forces Retirement Home. The one in Biloxi was destroyed, so many of the veterans are here in DC now.
This is the most eloquent rant I have ever heard. Olbermann's genius editorial should be required viewing material. It's not bad enought that Condaleeza "Kindasleazy" Rice was busy seeing a Broadway show and buying designer shoes while the Gulf Coast was being ravaged. That's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this administration's unforgivable lack of response to the tragedies on the Gulf Coast. These are the same asshats who claimed they would protect us if we voted for them. Well, I didn't vote for them, not that it mattered. I hope those that did will FINALLY see why it was such a horrible choice and help us get these greedy, worthless, lying bastards out in '08.
Ha! I don't give a frog's fat ass that he's a sellout. He's brutally honest about everything and everyone, never tries to make nice and takes no prisoners. I love Johnny Rotten and Bono is a phony, pretentious ass.
This has got to be the greatest eBay auction ever. Only in West Virginia: